C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 1.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1989. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Orem, Utah USA. AVAILABLE TOPICS This is the main menu of ARCserve. Use the up/down arrow keys to highlight the option to select, then press . The and keys can be used to examine subsequent and previous pages of help text. Press a second time to display a list of function keys that can be used in the program. To exit the list of keys and then the help screen, press . When selecting a single item from a list, use the up/down arrow keys and then press ; when selecting multiple items use the key to mark each item and then press . When deleting items from lists, select the items and then press ; the program asks for confirmation, select "Yes" and then press . To add items use the key. To toggle between two choices press and then use the left/right arrow keys, or use the first letters of the choices. Use the done key, , to execute a form. Page 1 of 31 AVAILABLE TOPICS (Cont.) SELECT ARCserve HOST SERVER - Use this option to select the host server running the ARCserve Server. ARCserve will connect with the host server so that Archiving/Backup/Restore jobs may be submitted, queues set up, and users/operators authorized. ADMINISTRATION - ARCserve administration functions include changing the ARCserve Server status, queue management (i.e., setting up/managing queues), and authorizing users/operators. QUICK START - Use this option to backup entire servers and workstations at the touch of a few keys, without the need to worry about queues, forms etc. You need Supervisor privileges to use this option. SCHEDULE UNATTENDED JOBS - Schedule Server Archiving, Backup, and Restore jobs or Workstation Archiving or Backup for a selected queue; these jobs will be executed by the ARCserve Server in the background mode. Jobs within the queue can be viewed, modified or deleted by authorized Users/Operators. Page 2 of 3 AVAILABLE TOPICS (Cont.) ATTENDED OPERATIONS - Select this option to perform Archiving, Count, Purge, Back Up and Restore operations on files/directories in the attended mode. Local or network drives can be used. Session information stored on tape can be scanned and a report generated to facilitate Restore functions. These operations are performed by the ARCserve front-end in the attended mode. FILE TRACKING SYSTEM (FTS) - ARCserve keeps track of all files/ directories archived/backed up, on its host server. Reports can be generated from the FTS database. The FTS database can be searched for the location of specific files and directories for fast restoration using Quick File Access (QFA) and old records can be purged. DOS SHELL - This option is used to execute DOS commands within the ARCserve program. Page 3 of 3 Choose "Yes" to exit the program. If "No" is selected or pressed, the program will continue. Page 1 of 1 Select a server from the list of servers. Only servers that the workstation is logged in to and have the ARCserve Server software resident, appear on the list. The server selected is the host server, all ARCserve functions such as Administration, Job Scheduling, and File Tracking System (FTS) are performed on this host server. If ARCserve is installed on a bridge, the bridge does not ap- pear on the list. You must select the server that the ARCserve Server was first installed on, before it was installed on the bridge. The home directory is on this server. Page 1 of 1 AUTHORIZATION MENU USERS - View, add, or delete users for the selected queue. Users can submit jobs to the queue, as well as delete and modify jobs that they own in the queue. All personnel who wish to submit jobs must have user status. OPERATORS - View, add, or delete operators for the selected queue. Operators can delete, modify, change the order of, or reschedule any job in the selected queue. Supervisor privileges are needed to add or delete users/ operators. Page 1 of 1 All authorized Queue Users are displayed. To add to this list press , to remove, press . Supervisor privileges are needed to make any changes to this list. Page 1 of 1 Select the user(s)/group(s) to add to the list of authorized Queue Users. All NetWare users and groups defined for the host server are listed. Page 1 of 1 All authorized Queue Operators are displayed. To add to this list use , to remove use . Supervisor privileges are needed to make any changes to this list. Page 1 of 1 Select the user(s)/group(s) to add to the list of authorized Queue Operators. All NetWare users and groups defined for the host server are listed. Page 1 of 1 Enter a name for the new queue (up to 47 characters), then the priority (1-8). Duplicate priority numbers should not be used. Page 1 of 1 Enter a new name for the selected queue and/or change the priority. Duplicate priority numbers should not be used. Page 1 of 1 Choose "Yes" to delete the selected queue. Choose "No" or press to leave the queue intact. Page 1 of 1 Enter a new name for the selected script and then press . Press to cancel the modification. Page 1 of 1 Select a queue from the list displayed, which contains the queues for which you are an authorized user and/or operator. Users can submit, modify, delete, reschedule, and change the status of their own jobs. Operators can modify, delete, reschedule, rearrange the order of, or change the status of any job in the queue. An operator must also be listed as a user to submit jobs. Page 1 of 1 Select a script to use for scheduling a job. Once a script is selected, a job entry form appears with the information from the script entered in the form fields. The job entry form can be modified and a new name attached to this new script, if desired. Use the key to remove any unwanted scripts. To rename a script use the modify key, . If there is no appropriate script for the job to be scheduled, select BLANK FORM and a blank Job Entry Form will be displayed. Page 1 of 1 Scheduled jobs for the selected queue are displayed. To schedule a job for this queue press and then select the type of job. To modify a job's status, position, or execution time, press the Modify key, . Use the key to remove jobs from the queue. To change a scheduled job request, select a job and press . The job form appears with the parameters used to schedule that job. Enter the changes and press . Page 1 of 1 ADMINISTRATION MENU ACTIVATE/DEACTIVATE ARCserve SERVER - Press to activate or deactivate the ARCserve Server. Supervisor privileges are required to change the status of the ARCserve Server. QUEUE MANAGEMENT - Queues can be created, modified, and deleted. Priority is assigned to a queue to facilitate scheduling. Authorized user/operator security is set up. Supervisor privileges are required to set up/modify the information related to each queue. All other personnel can view the information. VIEW ACTIVITY LOG - The Activity Log, stored in the home directory of the host file server, is shown on the screen. The Activity Log details the activity of the ARCserve Server. Page 1 of 1 Enter the source directory. Conventional DOS and NetWare path specifica- tions may be used (e.g., X:\PROJ, SERVER/VOL1:PROJ). Local drives may not be used. All files within the directory tree, beginning with the source directory, unless otherwise specified in the INCLUDE/EXCLUDE fields, will be copied to the destination directory/tape drive. Use the key to select the path from picklists of servers, volumes, directories, etc. Page 1 of 1 Select a queue and then set up the authorized users and operators for that queue. Use to add new queues to the list; there can be up to 8 queues per server. Use to remove queues, or the Modify key, to change the name or priority of a queue. The queue priority is a number from 1-8 with 1 being the highest priority. When the ARCserve Server is ready to execute a job, the queue with the highest priority is examined first for jobs scheduled with the status "READY" and an execution time equal to, or earlier than, the present time. Queues are examined in the order of their priority. The first job meeting the above criteria is executed. Supervisor privileges are needed to add, delete, or modify queues, or to assign users and operators to a queue. Page 1 of 1 Enter the destination directory; the files/directories will be copied to this directory preserving the tree structure. Conventional DOS or NetWare path specifications may be used (e.g., X:\PROJ or SERVER/ VOL1:PROJ), local drives may not be used. Press to select the path from picklists of servers, volumes, directories, etc. Page 1 of 1 Enter a path and file name for the Error Log File (e.g., X:\PROJ\ERROR.LOG, SERVER/VOL1:PROJ\ERROR.LOG). The Error Log File can be created on the source, destination, or host server. The Error Log File will record any errors that might occur during the session. For example, if nonshareable files are open, they can not be copied. Page 1 of 1 This is a toggle field, toggle between "INCLUDE" and "EXCLUDE". If "INCLUDE" is selected, only first level directories with respect to the source directory, should be listed. These directories and their subdirectories will be copied. If "EXCLUDE" is selected, directories and/or subdirectories from any level may be listed here. These specified directories/subdirectories, and the subdirectories below them on the tree structure, will not be copied. Wild cards may not be used. Do not enter complete path names and do not use "\". Page 1 of 1 This is a toggle field, toggle between "INCLUDE" and "EXCLUDE". If files to be included are listed, then all other files (not listed) in the directory tree structure will not be copied. If files to be excluded are listed, then all other files (not listed) will be copied. Wild cards may be used, but do not include complete path names and do not use "\". Page 1 of 1 This is a toggle field, toggle between "Yes" and "No". Selecting "Yes" will process any hidden files in the source. Page 1 of 1 This is a toggle field, toggle between "Yes" and "No". Selecting "Yes" will process all system files. Page 1 of 1 This is a toggle field, toggle between "Yes" and "No". If "Yes" is selected, then a record of all the directories and files copied will be placed in the FTS database and future searches for these files can be performed. If "No" is selected, there will be no record of this job in the database. Page 1 of 1 Enter the date and time that the job is to be executed. Use the format MM/DD/YY for the date and HH:MM XX for the time. Where: MM = month (1-12) DD = day (1-31) YY = last two digits of the year (00-99) e.g., 11/25/89 Where: HH = hour (00-12) MM = minute (00-59) XX = AM/PM e.g., 10:20 am Page 1 of 1 If a job is to be repeated automatically without any changes, then the time interval between these sessions should be entered. The job will be rescheduled in this queue automatically by ARCserve. Page 1 of 1 Use the list displayed to enter the path. The list displayed is one of the following: 1. Servers 2. Servers & Local Drives 3. Volumes 4. Directories 5. Subdirectories Choose an entry from the list and press . The selection appears in the form field. Another list, one level deeper, appears if lower levels of the path exist. Press to exit from the list and finalize your selection. Page 1 of 1 Pressing will display a list of available archiving methods. Complete: All Files - All files in the source directory will be copied. Incremental: File Access Date - A threshold date must be entered. Files that have not been accessed (not necessarily modified) since this date will be copied. Incremental: New Files Only - All files in the source without duplicates in the destination will be copied. If duplicate files exist in the destination, then the date/time stamps of the files are compared. If the source file is newer than the destination file, it is copied. Incremental: Time Stamp - A threshold date and time must be entered. ARCserve then compares all available files in the source directory tree with this threshold. All files with a date/time stamp later than this threshold are copied. Page 1 of 1 Enter a threshold date and/or time where required. Use the format MM/DD/YY for the date and HH:MM XX for the time. Where: MM = month (1-12) DD = day (1-31) YY = last two digits of the year (00-99) e.g., 11/25/89 Where HH = hour (1-12) MM = minute (00-59) XX = AM/PM e.g., 10:20 am Page 1 of 1 This is a toggle field, toggle between "HOLD" and "READY". A job that is given the status "HOLD" is not serviced even if the scheduled execution date/time is reached, although the job remains in the queue. The status "READY" implies that the job is ready to be serviced at (or after) the execution date/time. The ARCserve Server will only service jobs with the status "READY". Page 1 of 1 The job list of the queue is displayed based on the scheduled execution time. The modify key can be used to change the job position or execution date/time. For jobs with the same execution time, use the position field to change the job position. For others change the job execution time to re-order the jobs. Page 1 of 1 Enter the date in the format: MM/DD/YY and the time in the format: HH:MM XX. Where: MM = month (1-12) DD = day (1-31) YY = last two digits of the year (00-99) e.g., 11/25/89 HH = hour (00-12) MM = minute (00-59) XX = AM/PM e.g., 10:20 pm Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to delete the selected job from the queue, "No" or to cancel the deletion. Page 1 of 1 FILE TRACKING SYSTEM MENU GENERATE REPORT - Reports can be generated from the FTS using this option. The Report contains a complete listing of the files copied in a session along with their date/time stamps and attributes. Backup and Archiving sessions can be restored/"reverse archived" from this option. LOCATE/QFA RESTORE - Files and directories can be located and restored with the help of FTS database. Multiple sessions can be selected and searched for the desired version of the file/directory to restore. The results of the search can be sent to a file. Sessions or files can be restored/"reverse archived" from this option. PURGE DATABASE - Old records can be removed from the FTS database to keep it a manageable size. Supervisor privileges are required to perform the Purge operation. Page 1 of 1 Enter a path and file name for the report of this operation. The report will contain a list of all files processed and also any errors that might have occurred during the session. Page 1 of 1 Enter a one line description which will be attached to the scheduled job request. This comment is stored in the FTS database and appears in the FTS Report. This is not a required field. Page 1 of 1 List all the files that should be INCLUDED or EXCLUDED. Wild cards ("?", "*") may be used. Do not include paths or use \'s. Page 1 of 1 List the names of all the directories that should be INCLUDED or EXCLUDED. Wild cards and \'s can not be used. page 1 of 1 When archiving/backing up/restoring across the internet, it is necessary to enter your Login Name and Password. The existing NetWare security is preserved by requiring this information as the program must assume the requestor's rights to open, create, and perform read/write operations on the files being copied. Passwords are encrypted and will not appear on the screen. The Login Name may be changed by editing the field. This can be useful if you have different Login Names on different servers, or are a super- visor on one, but not the other. Page 1 of 1 This is a toggle field. Select "Yes" to display a Script Name field. Scripts allow you to save the data entered on this form. Scripts are created for jobs (or similar jobs) that are scheduled repeatedly. Creation of a script saves time and reduces the number of keystrokes that must be entered. Scripts are stored in each user's MAIL directory. Page 1 of 1 The ARCserve FTS Report for the selected session is displayed on the screen. This report shows the files/directories copied, and the status of the selected session. Use , , and the arrow keys to examine the report. If the report is very large, only sections can be viewed at a time. To view subsequent sections, press ; to view previous sec- tions press . Page 1 of 1 Select the session(s), from the list of sessions in the FTS database, for which a report will be generated. A report lists all of the files and directories that were processed in the selected session(s). Path and file names, date/time stamps, and attributes are also given. The status of each session in the FTS database is listed in the last column of the screen display. The status may be "Complete", "Incomplete", "Failed", or "Cancelled". "Complete" indicates that all files requested were copied successfully. "Incomplete" tells you that one or more files were not copied. Page 1 of 3 If a nonshareable file is open during processing, the ARCserve Server will try to copy it several times. If the file is open during all of the attempts, the file is not copied and an "Incomplete" status is the result. The status "Failed" indicates that the ARCserve Server failed to initiate the job session. A "Failed" status can result from failure to attach to the source or destination server, access the tape drive, or security violations such as an invalid password. "Cancel" means that the job was terminated by a user/operator via the front-end, or by the program when abnormal conditions (e.g., no disk/ directory space) were detected. Page 2 of 3 You may also restore a backup or "reverse archive" an archiving session from this screen. Highlight the session of interest and then press . For "reverse archiving" you will be presented with an Attended Archiving Job Entry form. The Source Directory field will contain the current location of the selected session's files/directories. Complete the form and then press . When restoring a listed backup session, you must to mount the proper tape. You are presented with an Attended Restore Job Entry Form with the Tape Name and selected Session Number entered. Complete the form and then press . Page 3 of 3 Enter a complete path and file name for the file where the results are to be stored. Page 1 of 1 Select the session(s) from the FTS database. These sessions will be searched for the files/directories that you will specify in the next screen. A search helps find the exact location of a particular file or directory. It also helps determine the version of the file/directory to restore, as the listing contains all the file/directory names found along with their date/time stamps. For Backup sessions, once files or directories have been located in the FTS, they can be marked and restored. ARCserve will use the Quick File Access (QFA) method to restore these files in the shortest possible time. Page 1 of 1 List all the files and directories to be included in the search. Give full names or use wild cards. Examples: ARCMAIN.C DIR1 ARC*.C DIRA* ARC?.C ARCserve will scan all of the selected sessions for these files/ directories and generate a listing of all pathnames where these files/directories were found along with their date/time stamps. A Search helps locate the exact version of a file/directory to restore. Page 1 of 1 Enter a date and time for the purge threshold. This threshold works in conjunction with the fields above. That is, if you specify archiving and/or backup records, as well as volume and/or tape names, all speci- fied records in the database created prior to this date/time threshold will be deleted. If you answer "Yes" to the above questions, but do not specify volume or tape names, then only the date/time threshold is used to determine which records to delete. As the FTS database expands with each session, purging controls its size. If records are needed, but the database is extremely large, consider backing up/archiving the database before purging. Page 1 of 1 Enter the source directory where all files in the directory tree will be taken from and archived/backed up. Conventional DOS or NetWare path specifications can be entered. Local or Network drives may be used. Example: SERVER_NAME/SYS:ARCSERVE H:ARCSERVE C:\ARCSERVE Page 1 of 1 Enter the destination path using conventional DOS or NetWare specifications. Local or mapped network drives may be entered. If mapped network drives are entered, they will be converted to the SERVER/VOLUME: format. Example: SERVER_NAME/SYS:ARCSERVE H:ARCSERVE C:\ARCSERVE Page 1 of 1 Enter the path for the target directory where the operation will begin. Conventional DOS or NetWare path specifications may be used. Local or Network drives may be entered. Example: SERVER_NAME/SYS:ARCSERVE H:ARCSERVE C:\ARCSERVE Page 1 of 1 This is a toggle field, toggle between "INCLUDE" and "EXCLUDE". Directories/files listed under this field will be included or excluded from the operation. Page 1 of 1 ATTENDED OPERATIONS MENU ARCHIVING: Files are archived in the attended mode. The source and destination can be either local or network directory paths. Scripts can be created and a report listing the files that were archived can be generated. COUNT: The total number of files, bytes, and blocks under a target directory path are calculated. PURGE: Files and subdirectories can be selectively deleted under a target directory path. The Purge operation can be performed on local or network drives. Page 1 of 2 BACK UP TO TAPE: Files and directories can be selectively backed up to the tape drive attached to a file server/bridge in the attended mode. RESTORE FROM TAPE: Files and directories can be selectively restored from the tape drive attached to the file server/bridge in the attended mode. SCAN TAPE: Information about each backup session on the tape and the files contained within can be listed with this option. Page 2 of 2 Enter a script name up to 40 characters in length. The data entered on this form will be saved for later use under this name. The script will be displayed in the list of scripts available to you for this job type. Scripts are used to repeatedly schedule the same or similar jobs. Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to modify the job entry. Select "No" or press to cancel the modification and leave the job intact. Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to delete the selected script(s). Select "No" or press to cancel the deletion and leave the script intact. Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to start the operation. Select "No" or press to cancel the request. Page 1 of 1 The directory path specified does not exist. Select "Yes" to enter another path, or "No" to leave the path as specified. Note: A path may not exist when a job is scheduled, only to be created at a later time. ARCserve will accept a scheduled job with a path that it cannot verify. Page 1 of 1 Only valid NetWare paths may be specified (e.g., X:\PROJ or SERVER/VOL1:PROJ). To reenter the path specification select "Yes". Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to cancel an ACTIVE Job. Select "No" or press to cancel the request. Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to submit the job request. Select "No" or press to cancel the request. All information will be lost if the request is not submitted or a script is not created. Page 1 of 1 The password entered for this Login Name is invalid. Select "Yes" to re-enter the password. Select "No" to move to the next field and leave the invalid password. An invalid password can be entered because it may be valid when the scheduled job is executed. For example, you enter a password that is currently invalid for a job being scheduled for a later date/time. You then change your password to the one entered. The job will be executed as scheduled. Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to purge the database using the record type specifications and date/time threshold entered. Select "No" or press to cancel the operation. Page 1 of 1 The list displayed is a list of files/directories that match the search criteria. For archiving jobs, the server name, volume name, and directory path where the file/directory can be found is displayed. For backup jobs, the tape name, sequence number, original path after the first level directory, and file name is displayed. (Ex. tapename.#\mydir\subdir\file.ext) The date/time stamps of the files are shown so that you can locate the proper version of the file/directory to restore. You may search this list with a more restrictive search criteria by pressing . Files and directories from backup sessions may be restored from this screen using the QFA (Quick File Access) method. Mark files or directories to restore with the key and then press . Only files/directories from one session can be restored at one time. Do not select files/directories from archiving sessions. Page 1 of 1 Enter the name of the tape (maximum of 24 characters). This name must be the same as the TAPE NAME contained in the tape header. The TAPE NAME is recorded when it is being formatted on the file server. If a blank tape is inserted in the drive, ARCserve will automatically format the tape to the tape name specified in this field. When backing up, you may enter an asterisk, * in place of the TAPE NAME, ARCserve will then use the tape that is in place when the job is performed. This is useful if the tape capacity is large, and many sessions are backed up to the same tape, or if the job is repeatedly scheduled by ARCserve. Page 1 of 1 Enter the optional session password (maximum of 24 characters) to prevent illegal access. This password is required in order to restore the corresponding session. If the password is lost, a supervisor or equivalent may access the session without the password. Page 1 of 1 TAPE SCAN MENU SCAN SESSIONS ON TAPE - This option can be used to list all sessions on a particular tape. Each backup session on the tape has a header block which contains information such as the Session Number, Session Description, Owner, Source Directory, and the Date and Time the backup was performed. TAPE SESSION REPORT - The Session Report lists all of the files and directories that have been backed up in a particular tape session. Page 1 of 1 All files that have not been accessed since this date will be purged. DOS does not maintain the last Access Date for files on local drives. Therefore, files with a date stamp earlier than this date will be purged. Page 1 of 1= UNATTENDED OPERATIONS MENU SERVER ARCHIVING: Schedule an archiving job to copy a directory tree from a NetWare volume to a NetWare volume. SERVER BACKUP: Schedule a backup job to copy a directory tree from a NetWare volume to a tape. The tape must be attached to the selected host file server/bridge. SERVER RESTORE: Schedule a restore job to copy a tape session's files/ directories to any NetWare volume. The source tape drive must be attached to the selected host file server/bridge. Page 1 of 2 WORKSTATION ARCHIVING: Schedule a workstation archiving job to copy files/directories on the workstation to a NetWare volume. WORKSTATION BACKUP: Schedule a workstation backup job to copy files/directories on the workstation to a tape drive attached to the host file server/bridge. Page 2 of 2 Enter a valid DOS or NetWare path. Example: SRV/SYS:ZZZZ or Z:ABCD or C:\DIR1 Page 1 of 1 Enter the session number of the session of interest on the tape. If the session number is not known, it can be obtained from the File Tracking System database or directly from the tape by using the Scan Sessions On Tape option in the Tape Scan menu. Page 1 of 1 This is a real-time screen that displays information about the sessions on the tape as the tape is scanned. The information displayed is: Tape Name: This is the name of the tape given in the backup job form and also given to the tape when it was formatted. Session Number: This is the number of the session being scanned. The information in the fields below are for this session. Source Directory: This is the complete path from which the files/ directories were backed up. Owner Name: This is the name of the person who backed up the session. Start Time: The time that the backup session began is given. Page 1 of 1X This is a real-time screen that displays the information for the specified session as it is being scanned. The information given is: Tape Name: This is the name of the tape given in the backup job form and also given to the tape when it was formatted. Session Number: This is the number of the session being scanned. Directory: This is the complete path from which the files/directories were backed up. Page 1 of 2 File Name: This is the name of the file that has just been scanned. The name of the file and its size do not appear until the scanning of the file has been completed. File Size: This is the size of the file that was just scanned and is given in bytes. Total # Files and Total # Bytes: These fields display a summary of the information for the session, giving the number of files and the number of bytes the session will require to be restored completely. Page 2 of 2 Select "Yes" to delete users/operators from the queue, "No" or to cancel the deletion. Page 1 of 1 Enter a path and file name for the report of this operation. No local drives may be used. The report will contain a list of all files and directories processed and also any errors that might have occurred during the session. Page 1 of 1 Press to display a list of available backup methods. These methods include: Complete: All Files - All files in the source directory will be copied. Incremental: File Access Date - A threshold date must be entered. Files that have not been accessed (not necessarily modified) since this date will be copied. Incremental: Time Stamp - A threshold date and time must be entered. ARCserve then compares all available files in the source directory tree with this threshold. All files with a date/time stamp later than this threshold are copied. Page 1 of 1 Pressing will display a list of available Restore methods. Complete: All Files - All files/directories from the specified session will be restored. Incremental: Time Stamp (After) - A threshold date and time must be entered. The program then compares all available files with this threshold. All files with a date/time stamp later than this threshold are restored. Incremental: Time Stamp (Before) - A threshold date and time must be entered. The program then compares all available files with this threshold. All files with a date/time stamp earlier than this threshold are restored. Page 1 of 1 This is a toggle field. If "Yes" is selected, ALL FILES in the source that were backed up will be deleted after the backup operation is successfully completed. Files will not be deleted for incomplete, failed, or cancelled sessions. Page 1 of 1 If "Yes" is selected ARCserve will prompt you before overwriting any files in the destination. If "No" is selected, files will be overwritten without user intervention. Page 1 of 1 To verify the files copied to the tape, select "Yes". At the end of the session, the program will perform a read verify on all the files in the session. For multi-tape sessions, the user will be prompted to mount the first tape and then prompted for subsequent tapes. Therefore, user intervention will be required after all files are copied if this option is selected. Page 1 of 1 All Unattended Archiving and Backup sessions, along with their status are recorded here. The log also shows any error messages generated during the operation. The Activity Log is stored in the home directory on the host server. Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to delete all the files in the source directory path. The directories will not be deleted. If you do not want to delete the files in the source select "No". Page 1 of 1 To perform a read verify on all the files in this session, select "Yes". For multi-tape sessions, you will be prompted to mount the first tape and then subsequent tapes. Page 1 of 1 Enter the destination path and directory here. Any valid NetWare or local path may be used. All the files specified will be restored to this directory. A directory tree will NOT be created. Page 1 of 1 Please mount the tape specified. After mounting the tape, select "Yes". If you do not wish to proceed further, select "No". Page 1 of 1 Press to select a user name/address from the Workstation Database, or enter the user name for the workstation that is to be backed up/archived. Please note that the workstation that the job will be performed on, must have the "Agent" program and the IPX driver loaded, when the job is scheduled to be executed. Login to the server is NOT required hence there are no security loopholes. You may wish to use the "CASTOFF" command to prevent Netware messages from blocking the workstation. Page 1 of 1 Enter the network address of the workstation that will be backed up/archived. If the address is unknown, return to the User Name field and use the key for selecting the workstation. Follow the help in that field. Page 1 of 1 Enter the node address of the workstation that will be backed up/archived. If the address is unknown, return to the User Name field and press . Follow the help for that field. Page 1 of 1 Select a user, from the list of the users currently in the Workstation Database, on the host file server. The list displays the login name used at the workstation, to log in to the host server, along with the workstation's network address. To add users to the database, press the key. To delete users, mark the entries with the key, and then press the key. When performing an unattended workstation job, the workstation must have the AGENT program loaded. If it is not loaded, the workstation will appear on the list but the job will not be performed. Page 1 of 1 This screen displays the real-time events as they occur. Information about specific files and directories, the activity being performed, and the total number of files, bytes, and blocks is given. Page 1 of 1 If you deactivate the ARCserve Server, the ACTIVE job that is being processed will be cancelled. Select "Yes" to deactivate the ARCserve Server, or "No" to continue processing the job in progress. Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to delete the Activity Log, which is an ASCII file, in the home directory on the host server. Since the log records all ARCserve Server transactions, it will become quite large. Examine the file and then you may delete it after heavy program use. Page 1 of 1 Enter the source directory on the workstation using conventional DOS specifications (e.g., C:\BAT, D:\BIN, etc.). The files from this directory tree will be copied to the destination/tape. The key can be used to complete the path specification. The workstation that is to be backed up/archived must have the "AGENT" program and the IPX driver loaded while you are scheduling the job, so that the information can be obtained from the workstation. Page 1 of 1 This is a list of users, along with their workstation addresses, that are currently logged in to the host server and are not in the database. Select a single or multiple users to be added to the Workstation Database. Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to delete the user(s) from the database. Select "No" to cancel the deletion. Page 1 of 1 Select a method to choose the files/directories to be backed up. Speed Entry: This method lets you selectively back up files and/or directories from ONE point in the directory tree to tape. Point & Select: This method displays a graphical directory tree from which you can view and mark MULTIPLE directories and/or files to be backed up. Page 1 of 1 The Point & Select tree display shows all the directories in the file server's volume or local drive. Select directories with the key. If a directory is selected, all directories and files stemming from that directory will be backed up. To selectively back up files within directories, highlight the directory and then press . A picklist of files will appear. When all files and directories have been selected, press to supply further information (tape name, passwords, etc.). Page 1 of 1 Press to select files to be backed up. The file size, date/time stamps, and attributes are displayed, so that the proper version of a file can be selected. To return to the graphical display press . Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to deactivate the ARCserve Server or "No" to leave it in the active state. If the ARCserve Server is executing a job, and "Yes" is selected, you will be notified that deactivating the program will cancel the job in progress. Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to cancel the current operation, or "No" to resume. Page 1 of 1 Select a server and volume, or local drive from the list and press . A tree diagram of all the directories in this volume or drive will appear on the screen. Page 1 of 1 The INCLUDE/EXCLUDE Files field applies only to files in the selected directories. Individually selected files are copied, whether or not they fit the selection criteria in this field. List the file selection criteria in this field. Wild cards ("*" and "?") may be used. Do not enter a path or use \'s. Page 1 of 1 This is a toggle field, toggle between "Yes" and "No". If "Yes" is selected, all hidden files in the selected directories will be backed up. Hidden files are not backed up if "No" is selected. Hidden files that have been individually selected are backed up even if "No" is entered. Page 1 of 1 This is a toggle field, toggle between "Yes" and "No". If "Yes" is chosen, all system files in the selected directories will be copied; if "No" is entered they are not copied. System files that have been individually selected are backed up even if "No" is entered. Page 1 of 1 This is a toggle field. Select "Yes" to delete archiving and/or backup records. When "Yes" is specified, a second field appears in which you can specify records by volume name (archiving) or by tape name (backup). Please be certain to specify the date threshold at the bottom of the form, as the default is the current date/time. The date/time fields are used in conjunction with the archiving/ backup fields. Page 1 of 1 Enter the volume and/or tape name in the respective fields, to selectively delete records. Leaving the name fields blank will cause ARCserve to delete records based only on date/time. Page 1 of 1 Enter the name of the file(s)/directory(s) that you want to search for, in the Search Box and then press . Wild cards may be used. Do not enter paths or use \'s. Page 1 of 1 Select "Yes" to discard this form or list, or "NO" to continue. Page 1 of 1 A script exists with this name. To overwrite the old script, select "Yes", to leave the old script intact, select "No". Page 1 of 1 Press to display a list of available backup methods. These methods include: Complete: All Files - All files in the source directory will be copied. Incremental: Time Stamp - A threshold date and time must be entered. ARCserve then compares all available files in the source directory tree with this threshold. All files with a date/time stamp later than this threshold are copied. Page 1 of 1 Pressing will display a list of available archiving methods. Complete: All Files - All files in the source directory will be copied. Incremental: New Files Only - All files in the source without dupli- cates in the destination will be copied. If duplicate files exist in the destination, then the date/time stamps of the files are compared. If the source file is newer than the destination file, it is copied. Incremental: Time Stamp - A threshold date and time must be entered. ARCserve then compares all available files in the source directory tree with this threshold. All files with a date/time stamp later than this threshold are copied. Page 1 of 1 Enter the volume name of a server drive or the drive letter of a local drive where you wish to continue this archiving operation. If you are using a single removable drive, and wish to replace the cartridge and continue with a new one, please dismount the volume. Mount the new volume and continue operation. Page 1 of 1 The Quick Start option provides a quick and easy way of backing up all your servers before learning the details of program use. Please note that you need supervisor or equivalent privileges to use this option. Use the key to mark the servers and workstations that you wish to backup in the unattended mode and then press . The QuickStart operation will submit an unattended job for each file server or workstation selected. The job will be executed only once. A script will be created for each selection. You can then use these scripts with the Unattended Backup options next time you want to backup any of these machines. All file servers on your internet and all users currently logged in to the host server will appear on the list. Please make sure that the tape driver is properly installed and a tape is present in the drive before using this option. Page 1 of 1 If the APPEND option is selected the session will be appended to the end of the tape. If OVERWRITE is selected, all existing sessions on the tape will be destroyed, and this session will become the first session on the tape. If you select OVERWRITE, please be sure to give the Tape Name that matches the tape in the drive, otherwise the job will not be executed. This is a safety feature to ensure that tapes are not erased inadvertently. Page 1 of 1 Enter the source path of the directory to be backed up. Conventional DOS or NETWARE path specifications may be used. Example: FILE_SERVER_MKT/SYS:PROJECT N:\PROJECT All files within the directory, beginning with the source directory (unless otherwise specified in the INCLUDE/EXCLUDE field) will be copied to tape. If only the file server name is given, ARCserve will back up all the volumes to the tape. Each volume will be stored as an individual session. Example: FILE_SERVER_MKT This will backup all volumes on server FILE_SERVER_MKT. The key can be used to help compose the source. Page 1 of 1 Select INCLUDE or EXCLUDE. Selecting INCLUDE will restore the specified directories. EXCLUDE will skip these directories and restore all other directories in the tree. Enter the directory names that should be restored or skipped. A directory name or path upto 24 characters can be specified. The directory specification can be at any level in the directory tree structure. For Example: The backup job was a complete SYS volume. To selectively restore a WIN directory you can specify: WIN - This will restore all WIN directories found in the session. It will preserve the tree in the restore path. Alternately, you can specify USR\JACK\WIN - This will restore this specific WIN directory. Page 1 of 1